85 research outputs found

    Txillardegi eta Euskara Batuaren kondairaz

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    Arratiako hitanoaren arautzea

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    The subject of this article concerns the dynamics of the varieties that appear between the standard variety and the tradional dialect. Even though it is not a universal feature in all languages and within a given language, different varieties apper frequently between the two ends of the continuum. Based on the theoretical frame that deals with the origin of those varieties, the article discusses the standardization of the hitano forms in the Valley of Arratia.Hizkuntzaren aldaera estandarra eta dialekto tradizionalaren artean sortu ohi diren aldaeren arteko dinamikaren barruan kokatzen da artikulu honetako gaia. Hizkuntza guztietan eta hizkuntza barruan ere unibertsala ez bada ere, continuumeko bi muturreko aldaeren artean beste aldaera batzuk sortzen dira usu. Aldaera horien sorreraz arduratzen den marko teorikotik abiatuz Arratiako hitanoaren normatibizazioa aurkezten da

    Haizeen izendapenak ahozko hizkeran

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    N/AEuskal Herriko Hizkuntz Atlasasean (EHHA) jasotako datuak baliatuz haizeen izendapena hartu dugu gaitzat ikerketa honetan.Ezaguna da haize mota hauek izendatzeko forma desberdinak ditugula euskaldunak. Izendapen horiek motibazio desberdinek eraginik sortu dira: puntu kardinaleei begiratuz maizen, orografia kontuan hartuz beste batzuetan, toponimiaren inguruan besteetan...Hauetako batzuk finkoak badira ere, erreferentzia argia eta finkoa badute ere, beste batzuk tokian tokira egokitzen direla begi bistan dago, unean uneko erreferentzia bildu dute

    Euskalkiak Estandarraren Uholdepean (Arratiako kasua)

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    159. Espagnol-Basque

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    Arratiako hitanoaren arautzea

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    The subject of this article concerns the dynamics of the varieties that appear between the standard variety and the tradional dialect. Even though it is not a universal feature in all languages and within a given language, different varieties apper frequently between the two ends of the continuum. Based on the theoretical frame that deals with the origin of those varieties, the article discusses the standardization of the hitano forms in the Valley of Arratia.Hizkuntzaren aldaera estandarra eta dialekto tradizionalaren artean sortu ohi diren aldaeren arteko dinamikaren barruan kokatzen da artikulu honetako gaia. Hizkuntza guztietan eta hizkuntza barruan ere unibertsala ez bada ere, continuumeko bi muturreko aldaeren artean beste aldaera batzuk sortzen dira usu. Aldaera horien sorreraz arduratzen den marko teorikotik abiatuz Arratiako hitanoaren normatibizazioa aurkezten da

    Euskalkiak Estandarraren Uholdepean (Arratiako kasua)

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    Algunas consideraciones sobre la contrapregunta en las encuestas lingüísticas

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    The next appearance of the first volume of the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Hizkuntz Atlasa (EHHA) has motivated this work on one of the most significant aspects of the collection of data of the project at issue. The preoccupation by the methodology to follow in the dialectal survey practically comes since the works of dialectology began. This methodology has been evolving with time and the successive projects started up. From the "theory of the first blow" of an only informant and only investigator, to the present procedures in which the objective of the project determines the conditions of the survey. One of the qualitatively more significant advances, to our way to understand, is the procedure of "counter question" or the "question-proposition" one.La próxima aparición del primer volumen del Atlas Lingüístico del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Hizkuntz Atlasa (EHHA) ha motivado este trabajo sobre uno de los aspectos más significativos de la recogida de datos del proyecto en cuestión.La preocupación por la metodología a seguir en la encuesta dialectal viene prácticamente desde que se iniciaron los trabajos de dialectología.Dicha metodología ha ido evolucionando con el tiempo y los sucesivos proyectos puestos en marcha. Desde la “teoría del primer golpe” de un único informante y único encuestador, hasta los actuales procedimientos en los que el objetivo del proyecto determina las condiciones de la encuesta.Uno de los avances cualitativamente más significativos, a nuestro modo de entender, es el procedimiento de la contrapregunta o la pregunta-propuesta

    Grammatical and Lexical Variation in the Basque Language

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    The Basque language, without its own administration, has evolved divided intodialects over millennia. Although the standard variety has recently been codified, the regional dialects are still alive. In fact, this wide dialectalization is the object of continuous research and gives us the opportunity to research its variability. The aim of this paper is to examine how geolinguistic variability works in the case of the Basque language. For this purpose, I show some data gathered by using two different procedures. To go deeply into this subject, I focus on the research conducted in two different areas of the Basque language: the first is a study of the geolinguistic structure of the Western dialects, and the second examines the North-Eastern dialects